Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Another week down, another week closer

05/07/2011 - Well not a bad week all in all.  Managed to do all my runs but still way back on where I was hoping to be by now and with just over 3 weeks till the TR24 I'm getting a bit worried. Still weathers been nice and it been a joy running my new countryside routes.  Which will be a stark contrast to the screaming hell that'll be the Thunder Run.

Where I just came from (up a steep hill)
On Sunday I decided to take my Android phone to take a few pics of the route; something I've not done for a while.  It was a lovely day and I was quiet happy to jog along stopping occasionally to snap a picture or two. I was supposed to be running with a mate but forgetfulness on my part meant he did not turn up (I was supposed to text him).

The woods are on the left.  Great to run through but a little overgrown atm.
I'd wondered if I should make this run a nice long one but it occurred to me that I'd be laying more paving slabs when I got back followed by two hours of Karate in the evening.  Hmmm maybe keep this run to six miles.  Good decision as by the end of the day I felt like I'd spent the evening trapped in a room with Mike Tyson after accidentally treading on and killing one of his pigeons.

Half way point!
Days like this I wish I'd left a little later and factored in a stop at a lovely country pub.  Definitely something to think about.  Run five miles, chill with a beer in a pub garden, run five miles back.  Lovely.  Maybe even a running based pub crawl; now that's something I should organise or at least try out on my own.

Back through the woods.
Anyway I'm making a pledge now that this coming week will see me putting in the highest mileage yet for a week.  I'm at Brighton this weekend so should get some running in there and have something interesting to blog about for once.