08/12/11 - Well I've managed to get going running regularly after my operation and have been doing five mile runs without any issues so I'm happy. I now need to start addressing the training I'll need to do for the Milton Keynes Marathon next year. Speaking of marathons I've entered a team into the Adidas Thunder Run 2012. This time our team, The Thunder ReRunners, will be a 5-man team and will feature the five men from the 2011 race. Two reasons for this. One, everyone seemed to want to do a bit more next year. Two, the amazing Linda pulled out as she's organised her own team of ladies for the race. So we're all already excited as the 2011 race was without a shadow of a doubt the best I've ever competed in.

I've been given the all clear at the hospital so there's now nothing stopping me from getting back into full training. This is good news as, without the running and martial arts, I've been piling on the pounds. Even though I've been feeling a bit of a MR Blobby I did the 2011 Santa Dash at Hemel Hempstead. It's a 5k race for the Hospice of St Francis and just a fun event to take part in. I think I finished OK for a first race back finishing in about 25 minutes. Not great but as good as I could have expected. There was no one there to take my picture so below I've included a photo of me assaulting a rather large man for you amusement.
Perfect for a caption competition |