Sunday, 14 August 2011

Post TR24 - the Aftermath

14/08/2011 - OK, so it's been two weeks since the TR24 Thunder Run and I can now safely say that it was by far the best running experience I've had.  Deffinitely going to be doing it again next year.  Though next year the stakes are raised as everyone I've spoken to from the team want to push harder.  People who did 3 laps want to do four, those that did four want to do five, those that did five are talking about six and everyones talking about improving lap times.  Brilliant.

So I guess the first question would be how did I feel immediately after the Tr24 weekend; well tired. Legs were OK, the knee was fine but having no sleep for 36 hours it took a while to catch up with my sleep.  What I also felt was elated.  I'd had a great time with a good bunch of people, ran more miles in a day than I'd ever done before and felt I could have done more.  Lastly having five other people share the experience with meant I could discuss the race, share the old war stories and generally pat each other on the back in a way you never can when you do a solo race.  Oh an one more thing; it gave me confidence.  So much so that a few days ago I entered the Milton Keynes marathon 2012 - my first (and possibly last).  So I'm upp'ing my mileage, working on my speed and thinking about how I should be training for this marathon. :-)  Oh and I need to lose some weight.

Unfortuantely I'll will have to take a small break from running in September as I'm going to have an operation to try and restore the hearing to my left ear.  Unfortunate that I won't be able to run for a while but if it works it'll be fantastic to hear in stereo again.  So it's all good, especially as I'm going to have it done at a lovely private hospital though still under the NHS.  The NHS just wanted to patch the ear drum but as soon as I spoke to the private chap it was "why haven't they spoken to you about restoring your hearing as well?".  So I'm a happy chap.

Lastly, remember the "Billgoda" (the pagoda built by Bill) well I've finished laying the paving slabs and apart from a few little bits and pieces it's finished :-).

We spend so much time now sitting under it looking out into the garden.  I did wonder if it would get used but I'm there after work, weekends as is the rest of the family.  Bill's taking orders for 2012 ;-).


  1. Awesome to have entered a marathon in Olympic Year. I have a whole load of tips and old wives' tales to amuse and confuse you.

    Getting new PC next Saturday so further editing of TR24 2011 will ensure after that! :)

  2. Cool :-). Begood to see some more footage. I always forget that my camera is a professional quality HD video recorder and never use it as such lol.
